Farmer Boy

In the far northeast corner of the state of New York is the little town of Malone, New York.  Just a few miles from Malone is the home and birthplace of Almanzo James Wilder, the husband of Laura Ingalls Wilder.  There is currently a great effort by the area residents to update and renovate the entire Wilder farm.  They are doing a great job, and the home is now in much better shape than shown here.

This is the house in which Almanzo and the rest of his family lived.  When the "new" residents of the house decided to re-wallpaper the house, they found evidence of a story in the book Farmer Boy in which Almanzo and his "bossy big sister" Eliza Jane had a strong disagreement.  It wouldn't be their first, but this one left physical evidence.  Read the book and find out what the new residents found! 

Here is the town of Malone, New York.  Unfortunately the exposure is poor, but I think you can see the town "square" with the statue in the middle.  In Farmer Boy Almanzo can't understand why they called this the "town square".  Can you tell why he was so confused by the name?

Links to other Websites about Farmer Boy or Malone, New York